Springtime Around CoG
Northern California Local Council (Northern California)
On Saturday April 26th, NCLC COG will hold a Witches' Meet & Greet at the Fireside Room at the Berkeley UU Church, at Cedar and Bonita, from 1-5 pm. We invite all local Witches and covens to join us for refreshments and for conversation. The goal of this event is to introduce ourselves, our organizations, and our projects to one another. We hope we will all learn more about each other and what we are all doing.
Chamisa Local Council (New Mexico and Colorado)
We assemble at dawn and face the east to drum up the sun and welcome the spring. Dress warmly in layers, bring your drums and rattles, and get ready to have a very good time coaxing the first rays of light up over the clouds. At the time of the equinox, with day and night balanced, we focus on creating our own balance. The ritual is followed by a potluck breakfast nearby.
Our Lady of the Woods, member of Chamisa Local Council, sponsors a monthly Pagan Dinner Out at the Pyramid Cafe, a Middle Eastern restaurant in Los Alamos, NM. Details are on our Website.
Eostre celebration - Friday, March 21, 2014 at 7pm
Hosted by Grove of the Sacred Spring at Well of the Moon in Las Vegas Nevada. 702-666-7200. In honor of the Goddess Eostre, please join us to in a Norse style Blot and Sumbel. Gather at 7pm, the ritual begins promptly at 730pm. Potluck feast after the ritual. Families welcome.
Midwest Regional Local Council (Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana)
Oberon and Banshee will present an Ostara ritual at the Smokey Crystal LLC in Woodhaven, a Downriver community near Detroit. Oberon and Banshee are HP/S of Circle of Wondrous Stories, who have hosted many public rituals and other events, for over 20 years. They are credentialed Priests of the Covenant of the Goddess (CoG) and also hold Officer positions in CoG's Midwest Regional Local Council (MRLC) which includes Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, as well as Michigan. For more information go to our website: MRLC.

Northern Dawn Local Council will host a Beltaine ritual, “The Union of Earth and Sky” at Hidden Falls Regional Park in St. Paul, Minnesota. There will be a feast afterward, please bring a dish to share and your own eating utensils. This ritual will be child-friendly. For updated information, go to our Facebook page or call our voicemail line 612-871-2519. Anyone interested in helping with the ritual may attend a planning meeting at Hosmer Public Library. Contact us for exact times and dates.
Dogwood Local Council (Georgia and Alabama)
Dogwood Local Council members will be hosting a table at the Atlanta Pagan Marketplace of Ideas (APMI) on Saturday April 5th. APMI is a yearly springtime day-long event that attracts Pagans from all over the area including vendors and workshops. It is a great chance to meet and socialize with other Pagans from across the Southeast. The event is held at the One World Spiritual Center in Marietta GA.
CoG Member Andras Corban-Arthen will be visiting Atlanta that same week to attend a meeting for the Parliament of the World's Religions. Together with Phyllis Curott, Andras will be hosting a talk called "Pagans in the Parliament" at Phoenix and the Dragon Bookstore in Sandy Springs on Tuesday April 1st at 7pm. He and several Dogwood Members will also be attending a Thursday Night interfaith awareness event at Morehouse College sponsored by both Morehouse and the Parliament.
(Butterfly graphic courtesy of ~Magickal Graphics~)
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