Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Ardantane Launches Fundraiser: Sacred Land for Hekate

2012, Merry Meet Leadership Workshop at Ardantane
Ardantane Pagan Learning Center has launched a fundraising effort to honor Hekate with land and a ritual circle. Hekate, known as the Lady of the Crossroads, Keeper of the Keys, Queen of the Witches, Goddess of Heaven, Earth, and the Underworld, is one of the patron deities of Ardantane. The campaign is being managed through the Indiegogo online fundraising website, and will will run through December 31. Contributions will help pay off the down payment on land dedicated to Hekate… and bring donors unique thank-you gifts related to Her. The fundraiser's home page can be found at: igg.me/at/hekate

Ardantane Pagan Learning Center is located in north-central New Mexico, at the edge of the Jemez Mountains, about an hour’s drive from Albuquerque. The school has purchased over two acres of wild land adjacent to the campus, named it Spirit Hollow, and dedicated it to Hekate.Here a stone circle has been created for Her, and it is planned to add a shrine and processional way from the main campus. Ardantane also plans to hold a Hekate Retreat on the weekend nearest one of Her holy days.

2012, Merry Meet Leadership Workshop at Ardantane
However, financial help is needed. The down payment of $7428 was financed through a temporarily interest-free loan, and that loan is coming due in March. Ardantane asks supporters to contribute to the purchaseof Spirit Hollow and Hekate’s Circle, so that this land may continue to be a consecrated place for Hekate’s worship and celebration.

As thank-you gifts, Ardantane offers several items that will be treasured by anyone who honors Hekate: beautiful full-color altar cards, offering bowls, antique keys, ancient and modern coins, and more. All gifts will be mailed to donors within a week of the campaign’s close on December 31, or earlier. In addition, contributors will be notified when the first Hekate Retreat is held, and invited to participate.

Ardantane asks those who honor Hekate to contribute now, and tell all theirfriends to check out the site at Indiegogo… and also to mention the campaign on Facebook, Tweet, and other social media.

Submitted by:
Amber K, Executive Director, Ardantane Pagan Learning Center and CoG member, Chamisa Local Council.
Hannah Epstein, Membership Director and Campaign Coordinator, Ardantane Pagan Learning Center

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