NCLC invites everyone coming to PantheaCon to visit our hospitality suite hosted cooperatively by CoG and two other witchcraft organizations, The New Wiccan Church (NWC) and the New Reformed Orthodox Order of the Golden Dawn (NROOGD).
Our hospitality suite will be open every day and evening for conversation, snacks and relaxation. Pantheacon authors and presenters often drop by to say hello.
In addition, the suite hosts organized activities as listed below. Stop by for one of these events or just to meet members of CoG. This year we expect to see CoG members from all over the country. Our extensive schedule includes children's activities, receptions for European dignitaries, discussions, workshops, an after-hours party and an auction.
Some people spend most of their time at Pantheacon hanging out with us!
Schedule for 2014 CoG /NWC /NROOGD Hospitality Suite, Room 957:
Friday 1 pm Suite opens 5-6:30 pm COG Meet & Greet Meeting and reception for COG members and interested Witches. This is a meeting of the Northern California Local Council, allowing those who cannot usually attend meetings to do so. It will also give anyone interested in our organization an opportunity to meet us and ask questions. Visiting members from other parts of the country are welcome, too! Saturday 9 am Suite opens 11 am Children’s Magical Belt of Protection Ritual with Hillary Pantheacon can be chaotic and confusing for many attendees, especially children. HPS Hillary will lead children through the creation and empowerment of a Magical Belt that will surround them with protective power and help to keep them grounded. Parents are strongly encouraged to attend with their children. All children must be accompanied by a responsible adult! 12 noon Bring your own lunch and hang out 3 pm Taylor Ellwood: Magical Identity Your identity is the connection you have to the universe and the manifestation of your reality in this world. This workshop explores your identity, the role it plays in magical work, and how you can consciously work with it. Discover how changes in identity can help you proactively manifest possibilities into reality. We'll explore the role of internal work in shaping identity, and how this work can help you live a more conscious and present life. Taylor Ellwood is the managing non-fiction editor of Immanion Press, and the author of Magical Identity, Space/Time Magic, Pop Culture Magick, and other books. He can be found sharing his ideas on the evolution of magic at 6-7 pm Reception with Morgana Sythove Morgana is a Gardnerian HPS and Coordinator of Pagan Federation International, the international branch of the Pagan Federation, founded in the UK in 1971. Come find out about Pagan outreach & organizing overseas! 7:30 pm BTW gathering with Morgana Session closed to BTW Initiates. Aftermidnight Late Night Gathering, hosted by Dark Forest Coven Usually the Suite closes around midnight. This year we are staying open late Saturday night—come hang out and chat! Sunday 9 am Suite Opens 11 am Children’s Magic Grove The children of Dark Forest Coven offer a ritual for children, by children, to help bring rain. Each child should be accompanied by a responsible adult. Best for ages 3-12. 12 noon Bring your own lunch and hang out 3:30 pm Engaging “Wiccanate Privilege” (Discussion) Recent discussions on The Wild Hunt and other “Pagan” blogs have questioned the extent to which “Paganism” is no longer viable as a name for our movement, and even if we are similar enough to be described as a “movement” at all. At the same time, voices are challenging what is being called “Wiccanate privilege,” or the way in which aspects of Wiccan ritual and theology are assumed to be normative for Paganism as a whole. The language we use to describe ourselves is in flux. Don Frew, a National Interfaith Representative for the Covenant of the Goddess, invites all those interested in this topic to a discussion. Hellenic, Heathen, Celtic, Baltic, Egyptian and other traditions are especially welcome to attend. We want to hear from you! 6-7:30 pm Reception with Geraldine Beskin Geraldine and her family run London’s oldest independent occult bookstore, The Atlantis Bookshop, which is over 90 years old. Aleister Crowley, Austin O. Spare, and Gerald Gardner were friends of the original owner, Michael Houghton. Geraldine is happy to carry on the tradition of helping Witches, Pagans, magicians, occultists, and authors, whether new to the scene or established. 7:30 pm Fundraising Auction Monday 9 am Suite packing up!************************************************************ **********************
COG/ NROOGD/ NWC Member Presentations at this year’s PantheaCon:In addition to programs in the Suite, COG / NROOGD / NWC members are giving many other presentations at this year’s PantheaCon. Look for these names in the program: Margot Adler, Crystal Blanton, Dark Forest Coven, Dragon’s Weyr Circle, Don Frew, Amber K & Azrael Arynn K, Anna Korn, Sabina Magliocco, Diana Paxson, Hexeba Theaux, Ruth Temple, Glenn Turner, Valerie Voigt, and Brandy Williams and more.
For more information on Pantheacon, visit their
For more information on Northern California Local Council, visit
For more information on Covenant of the Goddess, visit
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